You can make use of different FTP accounts to manage your website content if you have several websites in the exact same hosting account. You can give different people access only to particular folders, for example – web designers or IT experts from the company, and be sure that they will not be able to access any other files or anything else in the web hosting account, since the FTP accounts have restricted access. Plus, you can create and manage several different sites at the same time with a website building application such as Dreamweaver or FrontPage (as these apps make use of FTP to make a connection to the web server) and publish the site files both when you create them and when you update them. An essential part of doing these things is the option to set up and manage your FTP accounts swiftly and easily.

FTP Manager in Shared Web Hosting

All our shared web hosting packages come with a function-packed, albeit easy-to-use FTP Manager, which will allow you to manage all the FTP accounts that you have set up with ease. The tool is an essential part of our innovative Hepsia hosting Control Panel and aside from setting up and removing FTP accounts, you will be able to edit the password associated with any existing account with only two mouse clicks. You can modify the access level for any given account just as easily – you just need to click on the access path for the account in question and then to pick the new directory. Furthermore, you can download an auto-configuration file for several FTP applications and set up any of the FTP accounts on your PC simply by installing that file. For easier and better control, you can arrange the FTP accounts alphabetically on the basis of their usernames or their access paths.