Q: What precisely does web site migration mean and what does it involve?

A: When your present web hosting provider can no longer fulfill the requirements of your website, or when you face constant downtime, or if you have to wait for hours for the customer care team to reply to you, it might be smart to switch your web hosting provider, i.e. to move all the files for your web sites as well as your databases from your present provider to your future provider. At EBTEKAR ONLINE SERVICES, we understand that this can often be hard and time–consuming. Because of this, we will accomplish all that for you at no cost!Our skilled technical team will transfer your web site content from your present web hosting provider to us. Our techs have got plenty of experience migrating websites and are able to handle everything – from a customary WordPress blog or Joomla website, to an extremely complex, custom–made app.

Q: What precisely does web site migration mean and what does it involve?
Q: Website migration sounds like a lot of work. Just how long is it going to take?

A: We try to implement all website migrations as fast as possible. Nonetheless, we don’t have a set time frame for website migrations. There are various aspects that you need to consider – the actual size of your web site and the workload of our website migration team, etc. We constantly try to perform each migration in under 48 hours. With smaller–sized sites, our team usually manages to finish within 24 hours.

Q: Website migration sounds like a lot of work. Just how long is it going to take?
Q: My privacy is important to me. What data do you require?

A: We don’t collect any information that is sensitive. We will need, however, the login info for your present hosting account as well as the name of the web site that you wish to move.

Q: My privacy is important to me. What data do you require?
Q: You will access delicate info. How can I be sure that you won’t misuse it?

A: User privacy is indeed one of our foremost priorities – because of this, both our payment page and our CP login page are secured with enterprise–level SSL certificates. We use security measures, which include, but are not limited to: physical, electronic and managerial methods to protect the information that we accumulate on the World Wide Web. And we’ve also got a detailed and rigid Privacy Policy, which specifies the types of information that we gather.

Q: You will access delicate info. How can I be sure that you won’t misuse it?
Q: How about downtime? Will my website be unavailable?

A: No. Your website will remain reachable online during the transfer. Once everything is done on our end, we’ll let you know so that you can preview it and check for any problems. If everything is OK, all you will need to do is edit your domain name’s DNS resource records.

Q: How about downtime? Will my website be unavailable?
Q: Will my present web hosting provider need to provide any information/assistance?

A: While we migrate your web content, your web hosting provider won’t be aware of the migration at all. We won’t contact them in any way.

Q: Will my present web hosting provider need to provide any information/assistance?
Q: Which hosting providers can you migrate content from?

A: We support all Linux–powered hosting platforms. Fundamentally, if we can acquire access to your Control Panel, we will be able to migrate your website.The only platforms that we do not support are closed–source website building platforms like Wix, BaseKit, Jimdo, Website Tonight, Four Square, Mr Site, etc.

Q: Which hosting providers can you migrate content from?