UPSs and diesel generators are 2 backup systems which are kept by website hosting service providers in their data centers in the event that there are interruptions in the main power supply or the current is unstable and unable to support the appropriate functioning of the servers based inside the facility. UPS is short for Uninterruptible Power Supply or Uninterruptible Power Source and it is a highly effective battery which works non-stop. It's connected to both the power network and the web servers all of the time, so when the power stops, the UPS is already operational, which helps prevent the machines from going down even for a second. The diesel generator is definitely an engine which can deliver the required electric power to keep the web servers operational for a longer period of time. In the event of an outage, the UPS gives the needed time for the diesel generator to start and then to take over until the main source is restored.

UPS & Diesel Back-up Generator in Shared Web Hosting

The 99.9% network and hosting server uptime guarantee that we offer you is, in part, a result of the power backup setup which we have in each of the 3 data centers where we provide shared web hosting packages - in Chicago (USA), in Coventry (UK), and in Sydney (Australia). If you acquire a new account to build or move your websites, it'll be created on a cutting-edge cloud platform that consists of several clusters dealing with your content. Every web server in the selected cluster provides its own powerful enterprise-class UPS to keep it operational no matter what, until a lot of electrical power generators boot up and supply the required power for the entire center to stay operating for several hours. You won't notice anything even if there is an interruption, because our backup units will be able to power all of the devices and we shall not need to limit the amount of working servers or the network equipment which manages the traffic to your sites.